The ultimate resource guide for making your own “Little Monster” Themed Party!This is a great birthday party theme idea for kids ages 1-8 years old, for both boys and girls.

These cupcake towers are a inexpensive and fun way to display fun cupcakes. I just wrapped some boxes and even some of our board games with wrapping paper and stacked them on top of each other. Then I decorated the tower with drawings of spooky eyes and some cut up fabric. The great cupcake wrappers and toppers were costume made at Once Upon A Party etsy store. And we just decorated the other cupcakes with funny monster faces using mini marshmallows, tooth picks, Captain Crunch cereal for the noses and tube frosting for the mouth. The fantastic birthday banner was also created at Once Upon A Party etsy store and she has so many cute party themes and party kits to choose from. And the quality is outstanding! My son just loved seeing that super cute birthday banner with his own name on it. It made the party just that much more special.

You never know what kind of things kids can eat or drink these days, thats why having fun little mini water bottles around for the party goers is such a good idea. The kids got a kick out of it being called drool and had fun joking around about drinking monster drool.
Monster Drool Lables for Bottled Water

This Mold-A-Monster was the biggest hit at the party. Not only does it make a great activity, but they can also take it home as a party favor at the end of the party. Just make a batch of homemade play dough (see recipe below) in different colors, divide up the dough in sandwich baggies, and add some googly eyes. Then you can use this already made Mold-A-Monster label printable and fold it in half and staple it to the bags of dough and googly eyes. I made all of these kits for a total of one dollar! I had everything already at home and just had to buy the googly eye at the dollar store.
Easy Home made Play dough
3 cups flour
1.5 cups salt
6 tsp. cream of tarter
3 tbsp. oil
3 cups water
Pour all ingredients into a large pot. Stir constantly over medium heat until a dough ball forms by pulling away from the sides. Knead dough until the texture matches play dough (1-2 minutes). Store in plastic container. Should last for at least 3 months.
Mold a Monster Kit Labels Printable

Games and Activities Perfect for a Monster Bash!
- Make monster mask: Use a colored paper plates and fun embellishments like feathers, buttons, bottle caps, and crate paper, and let the kids get creative in making their own monster masks.
- Play Balloon Air Tap: Have each kid pick out a balloon and when you say go they have to keep their balloon up in the air by tapping it with their fingers. If their balloon touches the ground they are out. Last one to keep their balloon up wins.
- Little Monster Race: Decorate ping pong balls with monster faces and have the kids try to keep them on a spoon while racing. If they drop the little monster they have to start back over to the beginning
- Monster Balloon Race: Have the kids draw monster faces on small balloon, then they have to race with the balloon between their knees to the end without touching the balloon with their hands.
- Blind Monster Tag: Decorate a white bandana with monster features and use it to play blind mans bluff monster style.
- Monster face walk: Print out pictures of monsters and use them for a cake walk type game
- Play Monster Hunter: Print out 4×6 pictures of different silly monsters. Your going to need a lot of these pictures. About 30 to 40 will do. This is kind of like an easter egg hunt but with pictures of monsters. Who ever finds the most gets a prize. This is a great game to play over and over, if you need to burn some time.
- Read Monster themed books: Kids this age still love to be read to, get a great story teller to read “Where The Wild Things Are”and they will be so engrossed you will hardly believe it.
Game Tip: Prizes are fun, its okay to give a special prize to the winner but have small prizes (like candy) to give out to the other kids for participating, to reduce pouting and tantrums.
A great way to set the mood is with fun themed songs.
Make a “Monster” playlist with these fun songs: (you can find all of these songs on itunes)
Monster Mash
One eyed purple people eater
Wooly Bully
Monster Mojo -Monster vs. Aliens soundrack
The Adam’s Family
Monsters inc. theme song -Monster’s Inc soundrack
Theme song from the Munsters
So there you go! phew! This post was a lot of work so I hope you take advantage of it. lol. I hope you have a lot of fun with these ideas and that they help with your little monster party planning!