As a mom I have learned that it is vitally important to take time out from my mom role and make sure I am nurturing my other relationships and areas in my life. Friendships can easily fall by the wayside overtime without even realizing it. Don’t get me wrong… being a mom is an amazing blessing and is very rewarding but we all wear different hats. Who I am is not just a mom even though that makes up a huge part of my identity and makes me a better and more whole person. But I am also a wife, sister, friend, daughter, artist, and a book-loving, behind-closed-doors-hip-hop-dancing, smoothy-loving mormon. And all these areas need to be fed.
So I recently held a ladies night with my girlfriends that was more than over-due. We had tons of good food and laughs, then we ended up talking until late into the night.
Making the time to reconnect with your gal pals doesn’t have to take a lot of time and planning. And Even if you end up staying up too late and paying for it in the morning you will be so recharged mentally that you will be able to handle what motherhood had to offer in the days that follow so much better.