I was very proud of my scarecrow costume my mom helped me make. This was my last Halaloween where I went trick or treating. Because I was just getting to cool for all that baby stuff.
Just the year before this, my mom dressed up like a witch and took out her false teeth (lost her two front teeth in a bike accident when she was a kid) Hid behind the door to our garage and would wait for unsuspecting trick-or-treaters to walk by on thier way to ring our door bell. Then she would jump out and bliar out this horifing cackel! (we tried to talk her out of it) Not only did she make a few little kids cry but she managed to make me never want to show my face in school again. You see… we lived in a very small town… The next day at school my fellow schoolmates kept coming up to me asking “Was that your mom?”
Of course my mom thought she was pretty cool, and kept saying “I bet non of the other mothers did anything else like that!” and I rolled my eyes and replied “Mom! its because they are sane, and must like thier children more than you like us.!”
Happy Halloween!