I came up with this portrait idea while trying to think of what I should give my amazing mother-in-law for Christmas last year and thought “Wouldn’t it be nice for her to have all of her kids set up right next to each other all being about the same age and looking like they belong together?” She liked it so much she commissioned me to do a bigger one for her mother and all her nine kids. Now its spreading like wild fire and I’ve been commissioned to do even more of these for other families. This is such a neat project. I’ve really enjoyed creating these for other families and hope to do many more.
If you are interested in getting a custom “Our Children” print just contact me at everydaymomideas at hotmail dot com. Its starts at just $20 per kid image and you get any quote you want. You also get full rights to the completed design when the project is finished and can print it off as many times as you want for friends and family. There is an additional $10 fee if any damages to the image needs to be fixed. So if all your photographs needs editing repair that will be an added $10 per photograph not per repair.