Answer the following five questions (to the best of your ability) and discover if you are truly a hat person, a hat imposter or if a hat-less life is all that is in store for your future.

- Do You Have A Head? If you happen to sport a fairly round fleshy globe on the top of your body that resembles the human head than you might be a hat person. Despite popular belief, hat-wearing was originally created for the general population of humankind to aid in the covering of the noggin to battle harsh weather conditions and that same principle remains applicable even in today’s fashion climate.
- Do You Like Hats? Have you ever found yourself looking at a hat and thinking “I like that hat”? If this describes you, chances are you may be a budding Hat Person and you didn’t even know it. Most Hat people start with a spark of interest in coverings for their crowns and eventually graduate to getting an actual hat on their head. The experts at Hat People Unite recommend starting with just one hat, wearing it a ton, not giving a dang what other people think and then exploring with multiple hat styles over time.
- Do You Own A Hat? Did you buy a hat a long time ago and are still working up the courage to be a hat person? Did you happen to jump on the hat decor trendy train and now decorate with hats? Or do you just love collecting hats in the hopes that others will borrow from your collection and you can live vicariously “hat happy” through them? Closet Hat people rejoice! Because I have some good news for you! In a surprise turn of events today you can now legally bring your skull toppers out of the closet, into the daylight and right onto your head because the supreme brain box court just ruled you no longer have to have everyone and their dogs’ permission to decide whether you would like to wear a hat today. You get to decide that for yourself! Win!
- Do You Get Sunburned? Have you ever experienced
a on your face, neck or scalp? If so, you may be in need of a hat. Those unfortunate people who seem to come into contact with harmful sun rays when they enter the outdoors are usually top candidates for hat-wearing and may need to become hat people in order to protect their skin further from damage.sun burn - Do You Feel Like It? Imagine getting dressed in your favorite outfit to go out with your favorite people to your favorite place. Imagine the air outside is getting a little crisp because fall is in the air and you are wearing your favorite boots, you feel like a million bucks and the only thing missing from your look is the perfect hat. Would you feel like wearing that perfect hat if it didn’t matter what other people thought? Would you feel like wearing that gorgeous hat if no one was looking? Would you feel like wearing that hat if the only person who’s opinion mattered on what you are wearing was your own opinion? Then you should most definitely wear that hat because you are most definitely a hat person.
Results: If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above you qualify as an official “Hat Person”. As an official hat person you may now give yourself and others permission to wear hats unapologetically in public spaces that occupy other human beings. Official hat people have a solum responsibility to promote cranium cap education to other budding hat enthusiast and spread the awareness that anyone can be a hat person if they have a hat and a head to put it on.
Who decides if you are a hat person? You do. Who decides if you have a face to be able to wear a hat? Only you! Start wearing things and living in a way that sits well with your heart. Start dressing in the things you love and feel good to you. You are the one having to spend the most time in your clothes so shouldn’t yours be the only opinion you are counting? The number one fashion rule that never goes out of style is to always wear what you love and wear it without apologies or seeking outside permission?