These modern wood coffee tables can run up in the $300 if you try and buy them at a store. There was no way I was going to pay those kind of prices plus I couldn’t find a coffee table that I liked with a second layer for extra storage. So I came up with this super easy version of a modern coffee table that you can make yourself for under $20, its super easy and only takes a few hours to make (plus drying time).
Genius Reasons For The Design:
I designed the legs with the support beam running in the middle instead of two long leg beams running on both sides for the floor so that feet can be easily and comfortably tucked under the coffee table. I designed the coffee table with an under shelf for more storage to tuck away less pretty things that you need in arms reach for more convince. The top of the coffee table is reserved for pretty display items. The size of this coffee table was carefully thought out so that it didn’t take up too much room, allow for plenty of floor walking space and the coolest part is that this coffee table is just the right height to double as a bench if you are needing extra seating in a pinch. And for a bonus I designed it so you only have to buy three wood board pieces and there will be minimal wood left over to reduce wood waste. Mic Drop!
- 1 – 2×12 wood board at eight feet long
- 2 – 2×2 wood boards at eight feet long
- 20/30 – 2 inch long decking screws
- Black Paint – Semi Gloss
- Wood Stain
- 1 – Clear Satin Polyurethane spray can

1. Table Top: Use your 2×12 board to make your top rectangle box. Cut two long cuts for the top and bottom at 3.5 feet long. You should have 1 foot long board left from those two cuts, Those will be used as your side pieces.
2. Box Side: Cut your 12 inch board in half to get two six inch sides. This is a great way to utilize the whole board so that you are reducing wasted wood.
3. Leg Squares: You will need four cuts out of the 2×2 wood, cut at 11 inches, and four cuts at 8 inches to make your wood squares.
4. Leg Support Beams: There are two pieces of wood running across that the square legs are attached to. These are important to add because they stabilize the legs and creates a sturdy coffee table. You will need to cut two boards out of the 2×2 wood at 3 feet long.

1. Assemble the square legs first: Secure your square legs with 2 inch screws. Make sure the 11 inch longer wood pieces are on the edge and the smaller 8 inch 2×2 wood sit in between to create an equal sided square.
2. Once the square legs are put together you can attach the leg beams to the top and bottom of your squares. Find you middle point of the bottom and top of you square legs, mark it and attach beams there with two inch screws.

3. Adding The Top: The easiest way to add the top is to build it onto the leg unit you just made. Start with one of our 2×12 boards that you already cut, and secure the board unto the leg unit. using three screws on each side.
Tip: You can wood putty these holes afterwards if you don’t like seeing the screw heads.

4. Table Sides: once that bottom 2×12 board is secured on, flip the coffee table on its side to add the sides of your coffee table. You can drill the screws in from the under side of the coffee table.
5. Add the top: Stand your coffee table back up once the side are on, to add the top board. If you sides to add flush to the top of your top board have a friend hold/gently pull the sides out while you screw in the top board as flushed as you can. Screw on the top with two to three screws on both ends.

6. Sand, Stain & Paint: Once everything is assembled its time to sand. Make sure to take extra care to sand your table top sides down enough that the wood looks nice a flush, it will make it look more professional. Start by sanding with a coarse sand paper like a number 80 to get those bigger lumps and bumps down. Fro a smooth finish sand your coffee table at the end with a fine grate sand paper like a 120. When finished sanding brush off or blow off any extra sand grain and dust that might be on your coffee table. Now you can paint and sand it to your specifications.
Sanding Tip: Make sure your corners are not too sharp. Sand those a little bit down to reduce possible future bruises and injuries.

I built this coffee table for my brothers new bachelor pad that he commissioned me to decorate. We decided to go with a sophisticated BOHO vibe for the condo space. The living room is by far my favorite and I can’t wait to show you all the big tour post coming up soon. I love saving money with home decor by mixing just a few brand new pieces in with used antiques, yards sale items and handmade DIY pieces. It saves a ton of money, add character, and creates a warm authentic vibe if not everything in a space is brand spanken new fresh out of a store.

I would love to hear your comments about this coffee table and making your very own. Please email me or tag me on Instagram and I will definitely feature your coffee table.
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